Missing $BLUR on the Holder Foundation airdrop

I staked 750+ $BLUR and the table shows only 46 ? I can prove with Etherscan the amount sent …but no way to ffind these back on the board ??? That’s $500 disappearing from the table ? Can you solve this ?


Wow! That’s so odd! I’m pretty sure support will help you sort that out. Best of luck!

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i have the same issue of staked $blur not showing up today, it has never happened before and i accumulated millions of points and nothing is showing on my dashboard now, please fix it :cry:

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switch network on ethereum mainnet on your wallet and check again


Will run a few tests, but nftflix has a point first changing network, clearing the Web3 wallet and browser cache’s. I’ll either edit this response and simplify the steps on what I discover, or make a new reply.

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I’ve been able to check my points since the begin; best of luck to all!

nothing to be scared of … every thing good I faced such a problem in the past and its solved.

Huff i see im not the only one. I dont see my stake too. Do i need to do something ?

I staked 780 $blur and no way to get then back… it seems like i’m not the only one here…and nobody from the foundation is helping ???

Приветствую,как вывести blur с blur.foundation.

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привет! получилось справится? я уже месяц мучаюсь и ниче не получается… :hot_face:

Приветствую,нет пока не получается,службы поддержки не могу найти,сылки на службу поддержки которые присылают на почту не внушают доверия

чт, 17 окт. 2024 г., 13:38 Ren via Blur Governance <notifications@blur.discoursemail.com>:

Привет! Хоть кто то вменяемый ответил))
Мне тоже тут написывают всякие разные с советом перейти в чат поддержки, а там скам 100%.
Давай в тг обсудим, если не против. Вдвоем попроще наверно искать выход

Hi, I am having the same issue that I cannot see my staked BLUR. I did all what was mentioned (cleared cache, switched to eth, tried both metamask and OKX wallets, etc.) Could.you please help?