I would like to index trades that happen on blur. Is it possible to get OrdersMatched
event struct and other structs that go inside that one so I could parse on-chains events?
I would like to index trades that happen on blur. Is it possible to get OrdersMatched
event struct and other structs that go inside that one so I could parse on-chains events?
event OrdersMatched(
address indexed maker,
address indexed taker,
Order sell,
bytes32 sellHash,
Order buy,
bytes32 buyHash
struct Order {
address trader;
Side side;
address matchingPolicy;
address collection;
uint256 tokenId;
uint256 amount;
address paymentToken;
uint256 price;
uint256 listingTime;
/* Order expiration timestamp - 0 for oracle cancellations. */
uint256 expirationTime;
Fee[] fees;
uint256 salt;
bytes extraParams;
struct Fee {
uint16 rate;
address payable recipient;
enum Side { Buy, Sell }